New update on the law reforming the security regime on movables
Published on 27/12/2017
New update on the law reforming the security regime on movables
Having been postponed year-on-year since its inception, eventually the law of 11 July 2013 relating to movable security in rem will enter into force on 1st January 2018.
When the law was last amended on Christmas day last year, the scope of application has been extended besides some other changes of substance. The most spectacular novelty of the new law is the fully automated national register of pledges, designed to register security interests (pledges and retention of title clauses) in movable assets, which will be fully operational as of 1st January 2018. Anyone will be able to access the register against payment of a fee. Non-Belgian security holders or other interested parties however will have to rely on a Belgian user to log into the system and to effect the registration formalities.
Read also our earlier newsflashes: “New regime of movable security postponed again” of 01-12-2016, “Update on the law reforming the security regime on movables” of 01-12-2014 and “New regime of security on movables” of 19-09-2013.
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